
Dienstag, 23. November 2010

Quick and easy Tempeh Stew

When it comes to tempeh, german blogs keep astoundingly quiet. To me this is completely incomprehensible,  given that tempeh is delicious and easy to afford at the same time. I confess that I prefer tempeh over seitan...that makes me the outcast of the vegan scene, I guess...

Tonight's dinner was probably not the best tempeh dish ever, but for something thrown together in 5 minutes it was quite tasty.




Quick and easy Tempeh Stew

2 servings:

1/2 box tempeh

2-3T soy sauce

1T olive oil

1 can tomatoes

2 handful of frozen spinach, thawed and pressed

2 garlic cloves, pressed

1 small onion

1t curry

salt and pepper


Heat oil in a pan. Dice onions finely and fry until translucent. Ground tempeh and add to pan. Fry for 2 minutes, then add the soy sauce and pressed garlic.

Cut spinach in small pieces and add to the tempeh. Puree the tomatoes together with the juice and add to the pan.

Mix well. Add seasons, stir and cover. Let cook for 10 minutes.


Goes well with rice or pasta.




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